how to make blogger comments links dofollowers

Search engines bots always search for links in every web page.When bot found the link, it will follow that link and go there.Then search engines index these links and show there users in results.Search engine bots only search for do-follow links.Search engines don't check no-follow links.Do-follow links in your website or blog means that you are saying to search engines bots that follow the links and index them.We hope now it is clear that what are the no-follow and do-follow links.By default, all links in blogger blog are no-follow.No-follow attribute is used for low quality links that you would not like to index them in search engines.Today we are going to show you how to change blogger blogs comments links no-follow attribute to do-follow.But before making your blog do-follow, you should know the pros and cons of having do-follow comment section.
If your blog have do-follow comment section, your blog will be called a do-follow blog.That means do-follow directories will add your blog into their list.Your blog can get lots of backlinks and traffic from do-follow directories.

You blog comments also increase because of some backlinks lovers.Having more comments in your blog is good for your blog reputation.

Having relevant links to blog niche can make your blog page rank better.

Disadvantages Of Making Do-Follow Comment Section:

Do-follow links means you are sharing your blog page rank juice with others.If quality of links in your comments are bad, your blog page rank will be affected.

Some spammers can fill up your comment section with spammy links.So, you have to give lots of your time to manage your blog comments.

How To Make Blogger Comments Links Do-Follow OR How To Make A Blogger Blog Do-Follow:

Login to your account and go to Your Blog Dashboard>>Templates>>Edit HTML.

After that search for the following code in your blog HTML[ Use Ctrl+F to search].

<a expr:href='data:comment.authorUrl' rel='nofollow'><></a>

From the above code remove rel='nofollow' or replace it with rel='dofollow'.Now your code looks something like below code.

<a expr:href='data:comment.authorUrl' rel='dofollow'><></a>

Now save your template by clicking on save template button.

That's it, now your blog comment section comments are do-follow.

Note : Please read the pros and cons before making your blog do-follow.

Congratulation, you have successfully made you blog do-follow.We recommend you to keep your blog comments no-follow but if you want to make it do-follow, you can make it final decision is yours.Please share your suggestions,ideas and problems below in comments.And please share this article with your social friends.