How To Upload Custom Template On Blogger

How To Upload Custom Template On Blogger

Most of we know Blogger Default Templates don't give a professional look to your blog. Uploading a customized template is useful, interesting and gives a professional look to your blog which attracts more visitors to your blog. There are millions of blogs hosted on blogger but they don't don't know that how to upload a custom template.
If you're bored of the generic templates supplied by Blogger and you want to upload your own custom template to your blog. So, Today in this tutorial we will teach you that How To Upload Custom Template To Your Blogger Blog.
How To Upload Custom Template To Blogger ?

Step 1. Go to Blogger Dashboard >> Select your blog >> Select Template
 Step 2. Now Hit the Backup / Restore Button
Step 3. Click on Download Full Template Button make a backup for your previous template
Step 4. Click on Browse Button and choose the Template that you want to upload from where your Template is located

Step 5. After uploading your selected Template, Upload button will be visible and now Hit the Upload button
That's all !!!! Enjoy Blogging.

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